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Initiating the Examination and Publication Process in UTUGradu

The supervisor initiates the electronic examination and approval process with the UTUGradu thesis form when the supervisor and student(s) have together agreed that the thesis is finished, meaning changes will no longer be made to it (compare to submitting the printed thesis for examination). After initiating the UTUGradu process, the contents of the thesis can no longer be changed without starting the process from the beginning. See more information about the preliminary examination from the first step of the supervisor’s instructions Preliminary examination of a thesis and Moodle assignments.

If there are two or more supervisors for the thesis, one of them should be the so-called responsible supervisor who takes care of initiating the examination process and analysing the Turnitin originality check report. Only the responsible supervisor receives the emails the system sends for the supervisor. The examiners are separately determined by the supervisor, after the supervisor has analysed the Turnitin originality check report.


1. You can access the UTUGradu thesis form via this link or by typing  in the address field of the browser (Firefox, Chrome and Safari browsers are recommended for filling in the form).

NB! You might be directed to the Finnish language version of the form but you can change the language in the upright corner of the page. Note that the language in the emails sent by the form system to the next person(s) acting in the process is defined by the language of the form page previously filled in. Therefore it is important to select the proper language in the form keeping in mind the language used by other actors in the process (student, examiners, head of department).

Initiating the process



2. Select the student from the directory of the form by clicking the search field or “Search user”.

  • The fastest way of finding the right student is by writing their UTU user name in the search field. You can find the UTU user name, for example, with Outlook search or from the student’s Nettiopsu details. If the student has emailed you from their email address, their UTU user name is the first part of their email address before
  • You can delete your choice by clicking “Clear” next to the field.
  • If a student has written their thesis alone, they're information will be filled in in the first field.
  • If the thesis is a collaborative work with a joint evaluation statement, select the student who represents both students and is in charge of the student’s actions later on in the UTUGradu process as the responsible student. These actions include carrying out the PDF/A validation, submitting the thesis for the Turnitin originality check, and filling in the thesis information on the UTUGradu thesis form. (You can add the co-author of the thesis later on in the form.)

3. Select whether the thesis has been written by one student or as collaborative work. If the thesis is a collaborative work and evaluated in one process, you will be able to select the co-author here as well.

4. Find the Moodle course for submitting the thesis from the drop-down menu by clicking the search field or the arrow on the right hand side of the search field, and then select the right course by clicking its name.

  • All your Moodle courses containing Turnitin assignments are available in the drop-down menu, so choose the right course carefully. The course area should contain the Turnitin assignment for checking the unfinished thesis, the PDF/A validator, and the Turnitin assignment for checking the finished thesis. If you are uncertain, see step 1 of the instructions by clicking "Previous" at the bottom of this page.

5. Add possible other supervisors. Other supervisors will be informed regarding the progress of UTUGradu process, but  they do not have active role in the process. 

  • NB! You can also add supervisor(s) who do not have UTU account. Click "Does the extra supervisor have a UTU user account?" > Select "No" and write the name and the email of the supervisor.

6. Click “Save and proceed to confirm” and then you get to check the information on a draft page. Click “Edit” if you notice errors in the information or “Confirm and verify” if the information is correct. Now you can close the page.


►After selecting “Confirm and verify”, the student receives instructions via email to submit their thesis for the Turnitin originality check through PDF/A validation in the Moodle course specified by the supervisor, and to then fill in the thesis information on the UTUGradu thesis form. (If the thesis is a collaborative work with a joint evaluation statement, the co-author will receive an email notification when the examination process has been initiated.)

When the  student(s) has carried out the above mentioned actions, you will receive an email notification after which you can proceed to the next phase of the process, meaning the Turnitin originality check and filling in the originality check information and the examiner's information on the thesis form (click Next at the bottom of this page).