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Turun yliopisto


Important Databases in Archaeology

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

If you are using Google Scholar outside the university's network, activate the library links from the settings (Settings - Library Links).

Boolean Logic

archaeology AND churches

The records including both the words "archaeology" and "churches". Use for refining the search.

churches OR cathedrals

The records including either the word "churches" or "cathedrals" (or both of them). Use for combining synonyms etc.

Finnish databases

Couldn't find what you needed?

If you need a book or a journal article that is not available at the library, you can make an acquisition request or order it through our interlibrary loan services! Please note that interlibrary loans are fee based.

You can also try searching the collections of the other libraries in Turku (Åbo Akademi Library, Turku City Library, Library of the Turku University of Applied Sciences):