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Turun yliopisto

Library and Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development at the University Library

The principles and goals of sustainable development are evident at the University of Turku on various levels. The University of Turku is a builder of a sustainable future, educating versatile problem solvers for scientific and societal challenges across different sectors of society. The university is committed to taking actions to make the campus carbon-neutral by the end of 2025.

The library services at the University of Turku contribute to the goals of sustainable development in many ways.

  • Equality, quality of education, and responsible consumption are emphasized in library services.
  • The goal of open science is to ensure the free, universal, and open access to information, publications, data, and learning materials.
  • The proportion of e-materials in the overall collection is increasing year by year.
  • The ecological thinking inherent in the library's principles is reflected in practical work.