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Turku University Library

Business and Economics

Databases in Business and Economics

Search tips

  • use advanced search
  • use phrase search (put search words in quotes)
  • use truncation (write the root of a word and put the truncation symbol * at the end)
  • use OR-operator to combine alternative search (synonyms etc.)
  • limit your search to specific fields, like title, abstract, fulltext
  • limit the search results to Academic journals / Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals

Two searchboxes that show a search example product placement and movie or film

Search tips

  • use advanced search
  • use phrase search (put search words in quotes)
  • use truncation (write the root of a word and put the truncation symbol * at the end)
  • use OR-operator to combine alternative search (synonyms etc.)
  • limit your search to specific fields, like title, abstract, fulltext
  • limit the search results to Scholarly journals / Peer Reviewed journals

Two searchboxes that show a search example product placement and movie or film

Search tips

  • use phrase search (put search words in quotes)
  • use truncation (write the root of a word and put the truncation symbol * at the end)
  • when using both AND and OR-operators in search string, use basic search

One searchbox that show a search example product placement and movie or film

Multidisciplinary Databases


More legal databases:

Subject guide: law

Subject guide: EU

Google Scholar Search

If you are using Google Scholar outside the university's network, activate the library links from the settings (Settings - Library Links).

Use of Electronic Resources and Remote Access

Electronic resources are available for students and staff in the University of Turku network or through remote access.  When accessing the resources remotely (at home or elsewhere), you will be asked automatically to enter your UTU credentials, if needed.