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Web of Science

Refine your search results using UN Sustainable Development Goals.

In Web of Science, it is possible to include different sustainable development goals in search result filters and analysis. This allows users to easily see the proportion of search results related to each goal.

  1.  Do your searching using the best search techniques
  2.  From the bottom of Refine results on the left side, you can refine the search by Sustainable Development Goals using each goal individually.



Sustainable Development Goals on Scopus

Scopus has released the 2023 United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the Scopus Document details page.

In Advanced search in the Scopus database, users can choose pre-made search terms for SDG goals to include in their searches. Additionally, information indicating which SDG goal an article belongs to has been added to many articles. 

More info on how the SDGs search work and how the queries were created see:



Science for UN Sustainable Development Goals

In OpenAIRE EXPLORE, you can refine searches or look for articles based on the different SDGoals. OpenAIRE EXPLORE is a discovery portal of Open Science scholarly works. OpenAIRE has adopted the UN SDG classification scheme grouping research contributions and has also integrated an enhanced OECD discipline/Fields-of-Science (FoS) taxonomy into the OpenAIRE Research Graph to organize thematically and discover research more effectively. 

See more: