Good research data management ensures the preservation, discoverability, accessibility, comprehensibility, and reusability of research data. Open research information and data benefit researchers, organizations, science, funders, and society as a whole.
Benefits for researchers and the scientific community
Benefits for society
Benefits for funders
The data policy of the University of Turku describes the University-level principles and policies that are related to the collection, use and management of research data.
The University of Turku's open science guidelines can be found on the university's website.
In addition to the openness of research data, the open sharing of research methods is also part of open science. Documenting, reporting, and sharing research methods and workflows increase the reproducibility and transparency of research, and clarify the methodological choices made.
National guidelines for the open availability of research data and methods.
To enable the further use of research data, researchers should follow the so-called FAIR principles, i.e. the data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable. Lately, the FAIR principles have become one of the most central issues in open science due to the influence of several research funders.
How to ensure your data adheres to the FAIR principles:
More information about FAIR data can be found in the OpenAIRE guide "How to make your data FAIR".
Also, refer to the Finnish data services guide "Improve the quality and impact of your research through data management - A guide for making your data FAIR".