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Turku University Library

Librarian's guide to Artificial Intelligence

What is Keenious

Keenious is an AI-based tool that allows you to search for similar or related articles based on either an article or a written text. The AI analyzes the uploaded article, a link to an article, a selected section from an article, or written text. Based on this, it recommends similar or relevant content. Keenious operates either in a web browser or in the Word text processing program.

For now, Keenious can only analyze texts in English, but you can also upload texts in other languages. In this case, the text is automatically translated into English, and the app's analysis is based on the translation. Thus, Keenious also works reasonably well with Finnish texts. However, note that there are no length restrictions for English texts, while texts in other languages can have a maximum of 20,000 characters.

Keenious works across all scientific fields.

Keenious' data comes from OpenAlex, which contains an extremely large number of (hundreds of millions) both open and non-open journal articles' metadata (but not full texts). Book articles are promised to be included later. OpenAlex mainly contains material predominantly in English.

  • Keenious is a more powerful research article search tool. It is not based on simple search terms (such as Google Scholar), but on text analysis by artificial intelligence.
  • The Word extension adds a seamless integration of Keenious into the research process - for example, when writing an article, you can pause for a moment to search for articles related to a particular point in the text.
  • Keenious can also promote interdisciplinarity - you can search what work has been done on a particular topic in other disciplines (with the possibility of using subject filters).
  • The search results can be easily added to a document in progress or imported into reference management tool.
  • You can use Keenious in various stages of writing your thesis. The basic idea can be developed with search results from Keenious and as the writing process goes on, you can search more and more related texts.
  • The artificial intelligence of Keenious can find material and topics you did no necessarily thought about yourself - new perspectives and approaches. 
  • You can also easily add the references to the text with reference style of your choice. They can also be exported to reference management programs like Zotero. 
  • You can use Keenious to systematic litterature reviews as well - it can find relevant articles you were not aware of. Using citation count as an additional criteria you can find out what are the hop topics and researchers in a given field of science. 

What happens to the text that I input into Keenious? Does Keenious respect my copyrights?

Keenious operates based on the text you input into it. However, Keenious does not retain the text; it stays in the cache for approximately 30 minutes. Sensitive information (such as patient records) should not be entered into Keenious.

Where does Keenious get the articles it recommends?

Keenious' data comes from OpenAlex, which contains an extremely large number of (hundreds of millions) both open and non-open journal articles' metadata (but not full texts). Book articles are promised to be included later. OpenAlex mainly contains material in English.

How do I make the Keenious button visible in Word?

For your own computer, you can Add Keenious to Word from Office Add-Ins.

How to use Keenious

Go to Keenious at Upload or drag and drop a pdf-file (note that the file should not be a photo of the text, but the text itself). The artificial intelligence of Keenious starts to analyze the text and soon gives you results to the right margin of the screen. Alternatively, you can add a link to a pdf (URL ending with .pdf) or paste text to the Keenious (Text). Note that you can also choose/highlight a part of the text to be analyzed (see more from Keenios Guide). 

Keeniouksen lähdetekstin valikko



Kuva esimerkkitekstistä Keeniouksen verkkosivulla












Search results are sort by relevance. If search result is open access, it has PDF icon and link to the openly published version of the article.

Kuva hakutuloksesta

















If the search result is not open access article, you might get to read it via Volter. Before you make searches in Keenious, log in to Volter and you might get access by clicking Access Full-Text.


You can get Keenious to Word from Word Add-Ins.

Using Keenious in Word is recommended, as you can use your own text as the basis for analysis. You can also adjust the size of the right sidebar, unlike in the browser version.

The basic principle is that when you open a document/write text, Keenious analyzes it and suggests related material in the same way as it does in the browser version. Advanced search features, such as filtering and topic search, work the same way in Word as they do in the browser version.

An advantage of the Keenious Word add-on is that the author can search for related material at different stages of writing an article. They can also select a specific text section and search for material related to it.

Open a document/write text, click the Keenious button, click "Explore using text." If you've opened a PDF in Word, click "Explore using pdf." You can then continue in the same way as in the browser version.

Keenious allows you to filter the results in many different ways. Note that you can select not only the whole text, but also only part of the text to be searched. First upload a pdf, link or text to Keenious and let it analyse it. Then click on the button to access the following filters.. Press thenScreen shot of Filters-buttonbutton and get the following filters.

 Screen shot of filters in Keenious

  • Temporal filter. You can choose the years in which the articles you want to search for were published. For example, if you want to search for recent articles, select those published in the last couple of years. See the Keenius Help for more information.
  • Citation filter. If you want to find the most used and highly regarded articles in your field and their authors, select Citation count and add the number of citations, for example articles cited five or fifty times, depending on the discipline. For more information, see the Keenius Help.
  • You can also limit the search by keyword if, for example, you want to find articles in a specific language or if you are looking for articles on a specific topic. When you add a keyword, it is used as a filter in the search. If you add a minus-sign (-) before the keyword, it is used to exclude search results related to that keyword. See more in the Keenious Help.
  • Also note that you can select only part of the text to be analysed (see more on Keenious Help).

Keenious doesn't produce results solely based on keywords but through text analysis performed by artificial intelligence. This is especially evident in topic searches. Suggestions for topics that are relevant to the text in question will appear in the search results. These can also include topics that are not specifically mentioned in the text itself. This is very useful if you are, for example, just getting acquainted with a new field of study. You will find topic suggestions in the 'Topics' section next to the articles in the search results. Topics that are most relevant to the text are marked with a "primary" label.

If you want to learn more about a specific topic, click on it. Keenious will provide a brief overview of the topic.

Kuva Keenioksen lyhyestä aihe-esittelystä

Filtering by Topic

Search results can also be refined by adding or removing a topic. Click on the upside-down triangle in the upper right corner next to the topic (picture above). You can choose to add it to the search criteria ("Add to include list") or to remove it from the search ("Add to exclude list"). You can do the same for multiple topics.

Once these have been added or removed from the search, the results will become more accurate. You can also do the same for a part of the text—highlight the desired part and let Keenious perform the search. If you want to remove a topic from the search, click the 'x' in front of it.

Kuva hakutulosten rikastamisesta aihehaun mukaan

When you find a useful article with Keenious, you can directly add its information to your word processor, export it to a citation management program, or add it to your bookmarks.


Click on the quotation mark in the upper-right corner of the article. You can choose the citation style from multiple options. You can copy the citation to your desktop, from where you can then add it to, for example, the bibliography of your article. Another option is to download it in .txt format to your computer and transfer it to your citation management program (e.g., Zotero).

Kuva lähdeviitteestä Keeniouksessa

Keenious works without a separate login but then all the features are not available.