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Turku University Library

Research Council of Finland DMP

4. Storage and backup during the research project

Where will your data be stored, and how will the data be backed up?

Research data must be stored, transferred, and shared securely throughout the entire lifecycle of the research.

Describe here:

  • what storage medium(s) will be used
  • specify the storage locations for different types of data
  • how backups will be managed
  • how version control will be maintained
  • also consider the storage of any physical data
  • if you have listed storing solutions in a table in section 1.1, you can refer to it

It is preferable to use storage solutions provided by the university or CSC. The University of Turku's own storage services ensure automatic backup of the data. If you use storage solutions maintained by the university's digital services, you can refer to the university's data protection statement in your plan.

If you use an external service, describe how security, data protection, and backups are managed. Do not use commercial cloud services for storing personal data or sensitive material.

Do not use external hard drives, USB sticks, or the computer's hard drive as the primary storage solution.

In this section, consider data security issues, especially if your data includes sensitive or personal data.

Describe for example:

  • who grants access rights to the data
  • how access is controlled (e.g., logins) and whether such control is necessary
  • how access to physical materials or locations is controlled
  • if the data is shared with collaborators, how the secure sharing of data is ensured.