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Turku University Library

Research Council of Finland DMP

6. Data management responsibilities and resources

Describe the tasks, roles and responsibilities related to research data management. You can outline the tasks and responsibilities related to:

  • Data collection
  • Producing metadata
  • Quality assurance
  • Storage
  • Backup
  • Archiving
  • Disposal
  • Sharing 
  • Making openly available

Also, name the responsible person(s) if possible.

In collaborative projects, clearly outline the roles and responsibilities of different parties in research data management.


Example sentences that you can modify with your own details:

"PI will be responsible for data management. Responsibilities for specific issues have been described in earlier sections."

“Right to access the data is controlled by [PI or the project, or someone specifically dedicated to this], and technical access control is provided by the Digital Services of the University of Turku.”

“Non-sensitive data will be available to all researchers of the project via an institutional cloud storage space (Seafile), shared via secured remote connection in case of external partners.”

“For sensitive data, PI acts as the administrator of the project’s institutional cloud storage space (Seafile) and will define who will require and be permitted to access to the sensitive data in that workspace.”

“Access to the data will be documented and PI will be able to identify who has access to what data at all times.

"After the project, the PI will remain responsible for the short- and long-term management of the data."

What resources will be required for your data management procedures to ensure that the data can be opened and preserved according to FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable)?

Refer to the project budget and identify, at least partially, the necessary resources required for data management, preservation, and sharing to ensure that the data can be opened and preserved according to FAIR principles:

  • Storage costs
  • Potential data archive storage expenses
  • Salary expenses
  • Allocated working hours for tasks
  • Storage environments
  • Equipment
  • Software

Example sentences that can be customized with your own details:

"The costs of the data management procedures will be covered by the Academy of Finland funding period."

"The budget for data acquisition, management, and remote use is included in the research plan."

“No additional resources are required due to the nature and size of the data (see section 1.1).”