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Turku University Library


New! Westlaw

Westlaw is a database for USA's jurisprudential resources. It includes for example cases, legislation, statutes, regulations, jury verdicts, administrative decisions and guidance and arbitration materials.

The database also includes resources for other countries and regions, for example Australia, Canada, EU, Hong Kong, Korea, United Kingdom, France, Germany, China and Iran.

The database also has a lot of Law journals, so if you need international articles, make sure you search both HeinOnline and Westlaw. All journals in Westlaw are not catalogued individually in Volter, so If you are looking for a specific journal and can't find it in Volter, see if it is available in Westlaw.

Westlaw is available for faculty of Law via Horizon. You can access Horizon by browser,, or using Horizon client (see more information on intranet). Once you are logged in, you can choose Westlaw from the programs list.

Unfortunately Westlaw is not available for other faculties or open university students. 

International Databases

Other Jurisprudential Databases

Higher education institutions' publications

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