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Turku University Library

EU Documentation Centre

Electronic Books

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Open Access Books

Locations of EU Collection


Location in Volter Content Spine label
EU LAINSÄÄDÄNTÖ Consolidated texts of Community legislation.  
EU TILASTOT Eurostat's statistical publications EU TIL
EU KAUSIJULKAISUT Periodicals (annual reports etc. are placed in corresponding subject categories) EU KAUSIJULKAISUT
EU KÄS Handbooks, Treaties, Treaty Series, Dictionaries EU KÄS
EU YLE General Works, Reference Books EU YLE
EU TUT Research, Science EU TUT
EU TIE Information technology, Information Society EU TIE
EU KAS Education, Teaching, Schooling EU KAS
EU SOS Social Policy, Public Policy, Social Security, Health Care, Housing EU SOS
EU YHT Other Social Sciences: Demography, Statistics, Sociology, Political Science, Administration EU YHT
EU ULK Foreign Policy EU ULK
EU ALU Regional Policy, Regional Planning EU ALU
EU TAL Economics EU TAL
EU OIK Law, Public Administration EU OIK
EU LUO Natural Sciences EU LUO
EU YMP Environment EU YMP
EU TEK Technology, Industry, Energy EU TEK
EU LII Transport EU LII
EU MMT Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery EU MMT
EU MAA Geography, History, Maps, Archaelogy EU MAA
EU TAI Art, Architecture, Sport EU TAI
EU KIE Linguistics, Literature EU KIE
EU OHJ Programmes, Framework Programmes EU OHJ