The European Union Studies Association is professional association focusing on the European Union, the integration process, and transatlantic relations representing the social sciences, the humanities, business and law. is a Pan European data portal, providing access to open, freely reusable datasets from local, regional and national public bodies across Europe.
BASE is a search engine especially for academic open access electronic resources. It finds e-resources from open repositories and other sources that may be ignored by commercial search engines or get lost in the search results.
The Publications Office of the European Union is an interinstitutional office whose task is to publish the publications of the institutions of the European Union.
The Schuman Society in Finland, founded in 2001, focuses on raising awareness of topical issues about Finland and European integration history. The Society organises seminars, public debates and other events related to these issues, often in cooperation with other organisations such as the Europe Information network of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, community colleges, political parties and student organisations.
Information service that focuses on the European Union, the countries of Europe and on issues of concern to citizens and stakeholders in the Europe of today.
Find opinions from parliaments on or about draft EU legislation. Access relevant EU documents and corresponding documents from national parliaments. Learn about how parliaments scrutinize their governments with regard to the European Union and how they participate in the EU decision making process. IPEX is a platform for the mutual exchange of information between the national Parliaments and the European Parliament concerning issues related to the European Union.