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Electronic Exam-system: Student´s instructions

E-exam rooms and access rights

Exam rooms are:

There are directions to the exam room in the lobby of the building.

Before the actual e-exam, you have to reserve the exam online through the Electronic Exam Service. 


Instructions for taking the e-exam in Exam -system:

You may not take anything with you into the exam room. Before entering the exam room, please leave your outdoor clothing and bag in the lockers outside the room. You do not need any writing materials or paper and you do not have to prove your identity in an electronic exam. Please leave your mobile phone outside the exam room as well. You only need your student card or key to enter the e-exam room.

  • In Aurum the lockers work with a code and you can find instructions in lockers.
  • In Agora you need a 50 cent coins coins for the locker  .
  • In Educarium is two lockers. In Educarium one the locker work with a 50 cent coins and another  locker work without coins.
  • In Turku School of Economics  locker work without coins.
  • in  Teutori is two locker.  In Teutori one the locker work with a 1€ coins and another  locker work without coins.

The e-exam room is supervised with recording video surveillance (audio and video recording) . Always use your electronic tag (printing tag) even if you can access the room at the same time with other students. The access information combined with the video surveillance is used to identify you.

As you reserved the exam, you got the number of the computer you are taking your exam on. You can find the number on the computer and on the screen. Do not worry if you have forgotten your number: if you try to log on to the wrong computer, it will inform you which one is the right one.

You can only take the exam during that time you have reserved it. Even if the computer is available, you can begin the exam only on the exact time you have reserved it.

If the exam is disturbed or prevented because of a technical or some other problem, interrupt the exam and leave the e-exam room. Always report the interruption of the exam with an online form.


Access rights:

E-exam rooms are locked and students can entered only with the electronic tags (printing tag)  these have to be activated earlier. Before the fist exam, student have to ensure that tag is activated for access to the e-exam rooms. The front doors of the buildings you can find the phone number, if electronic access right to tyhe e-exam room don´t work (mon-fri 8.00-15.30). 

If you don´t have electronic tag, you can retrieve tag from IT-services desk  on weekdays from 8 am to 3 pm and activate tag at the any of the multifunctional devices (access and print right).

  • Arcamum 1st floor, Arcanuminkuja 1
  • Medisiina B 2nd floor, Kiinamyllynkatu 10
  • Natura 2nd floor, Vesilinnantie 5

The electronic tag will work as a key the 3 day after you have activated it.

Always check before the first exam, that your electronic tag open the door of e-exam room. You can use your printing tag on the door of any Turku e-exam room. If your access right to the e-exam room don´t work, to visit one of  IT-services desk of send email to
Obs! When your utu-account closes, it will prewoke your access rights.



Exam room:

Exam room is in University Consortium of Pori, Ground floor room 123. (Pohjoisranta 11A). E-exam room is open every day at 08.00-20.00.

There are directions to the exam room in the lobby of the building.

Before the actual e-exam, you have to reserve the exam online through the Electronic Exam Service.

The e-exam room is locked.

  • To get access to the exam room in Pori degree students use personal key.
  • Students of Open University and degree students form Turku:  If you take the exam in the evenings, weekend or holidays, you have to get your electronic key from University Consortium of Pori info desk mon-fri 8-16. If you take the exam mon-Fri 8-16, the person of info-desk open the door of e-exam room for you.


Instructions for taking the e-exam in Exam -system:

You may not take anything with you into the exam room. Before entering the exam room, please leave your outdoor clothing and bag in the lockers outside the room. You need a 1€ coin for the locker. You do not need any writing materials or paper and you do not have to prove your identity in an electronic exam. Please leave your mobile phone outside the exam room as well. You only need your student card or key to enter the e-exam room.

The e-exam room is supervised with recording video surveillance (audio and video recording). Always use you student card or key even if you can access the room at the same time with other students. The access information combined with the video surveillance is used to identify you.

As you reserved the exam, you got the number of the computer you are taking your exam on. You can find the number on the computer and on the screen. Do not worry if you have forgotten your number: if you try to log on to the wrong computer, it will inform you which one is the right one.

You can only take the exam during that time you have reserved it. Even if the computer is available, you can begin the exam only on the exact time you have reserved it.

If the exam is disturbed or prevented because of a technical or some other problem, interrupt the exam and leave the e-exam room. Always report the interruption of the exam with an online form.

Exam room:

Exam room is Department of Teacher Education: Main building, 1 st floor, room 115 (Seminaarinkatu 1). The front door of the building is open mon-fri 7.30-22.00. In the evening, weekends and holidays students can entered only with the electronic tags.

E-exam room is open every day 08.00-22.00.  Before the actual e-exam, you have to reserve the exam online through the Electronic Exam Service.

Degree students:

  • The e-exam room in Rauma is locked and students (also in Turku Campus students) can entered only with student card or printing tag (these have to be activated earlier).
  • In Turku campus activated printing tag or stuent card can entered also in Rauma e-exam room.
  • You can retrieve printing tag from main building room H124 (Timo Anttila) on weekdays from 8 am to 3 pm and activate a printer access at the any of the multifunctional devices (access and print right). You must call to the phone number in building main door and Timo Anttila open the door for you. The electronic tag will work as a key the 3 day after you have activated it. You can´t retrieve printer access card during 3.7-15.8. and week 52.
  • In Rauma campus activated printer access cards can entered also in Turku e-exam rooms.

Open University students:

  • The front door of the building and the e-exam room in Rauma is locked and students (also in Turku Campus students) can entered only with printing tag (these have to be activated earlier).
  • Also in Turku campus activated printing tags can entered in Rauma e-exam room.
  • You can retrieve printing tag from main building room H124 (Timo Anttila) on weekdays from 8 am to 3 pm and activate printing tag at the any of the multifunctional devices (access and print right). You must call to the phone number in building main door and Timo Anttila open the door for you. The electronic tag will work as a key the 3 day after you have activated it. You can´t retrieve printer access card during 3.7-15.8. and week 52.
  • In Rauma campus activated printer access cards can entered in Turku e-exam room.


Instructions for taking the e-exam in Exam -system:

You may not take anything with you into the exam room. Before entering the exam room, please leave your outdoor clothing and bag in the lockers outside the room. You need a 1€ coin for the locker. You do not need any writing materials or paper and you do not have to prove your identity in an electronic exam. Please leave your mobile phone outside the exam room as well. You only need your student card or key to enter the e-exam room.

The e-exam room is supervised with recording video surveillance (audio and video recording). Always use you student card or key even if you can access the room at the same time with other students. The access information combined with the video surveillance is used to identify you.

As you reserved the exam, you got the number of the computer you are taking your exam on. You can find the number on the computer and on the screen. Do not worry if you have forgotten your number: if you try to log on to the wrong computer, it will inform you which one is the right one.

You can only take the exam during that time you have reserved it. Even if the computer is available, you can begin the exam only on the exact time you have reserved it.

If the exam is disturbed or prevented because of a technical or some other problem, interrupt the exam and leave the e-exam room. Always report the interruption of the exam with an online form.

Exam room:

Exam room is Åbo Akademi, Academill, Strandgatan 2, 3. floor, B3, room B325.

Before the actual e-exam, you have to reserve the exam online through the Exam-system:

The e-exam room is locked.

  • You will access the room with a PIN-code. The same PIN-code works for the e-exam room and the door the the Academill building, Rantakatu 2. Remember allways to check the PIN-code in your booking via, open “Instructions on the exam room”,  the same day as you take the exam, in case the code has been changed.


Instructions for taking the e-exam in Exam -system:

You may not take anything with you into the exam room. Before entering the exam room, please leave your outdoor clothing and bag in the lockers outside the room. You need a 1€ coin for the locker. You do not need any writing materials or paper and you do not have to prove your identity in an electronic exam. Please leave your mobile phone outside the exam room as well. You only need your student card or key to enter the e-exam room.

The e-exam room is supervised with recording video surveillance (audio and video recording). Always use you student card or key even if you can access the room at the same time with other students. The access information combined with the video surveillance is used to identify you.

As you reserved the exam, you got the number of the computer you are taking your exam on. You can find the number on the computer and on the screen. Do not worry if you have forgotten your number: if you try to log on to the wrong computer, it will inform you which one is the right one.

You can only take the exam during that time you have reserved it. Even if the computer is available, you can begin the exam only on the exact time you have reserved it.

If the exam is disturbed or prevented because of a technical or some other problem, interrupt the exam and leave the e-exam room. Always report the interruption of the exam with an online form.