If you have any questions or need our help with open science issues or writing a data management plan, please contact us at openutu@utu.fi.
You can find training videos and information about our trainings here: https://utuguides.fi/librarytraining. If there isn't a suitable training available for you, please contact us so we can plan one for you.
According to the Publication Policy of the University of Turku open access must be granted to the scientific publications produced at the University if allowed by the terms of the publisher.
You can publish openly at the University of Turku's repositories:
Instructions for publishing in UTUPub:
Open Access or OA publishing means that the publication is available online free of charge. Different forms of open access publishing are:
When you use articles published via Green OA, please note that the articles are not necessarily exactly the same as the published version (e.g. the page numbers might be different).
As a part of the FinElib consortium Turku university researchers are eligible for either free open access publishing or for discounts on APCs in specific journals.
In open access publishing authors retain copyright to their publications.
Library's privacy notice.