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Turku University Library

Publishing a Doctoral Dissertation

Word and Latex templates for the Annales series

The templates of the Annales series are used when the dissertation is published in the Annales Universitatis Turkuensis series. Use the templates for finalising the text of the dissertation text in the right typography and style. The templates include e.g. organisation of contents, correct typography, and marginals.

You don't have to attach original articles on the template, just submit them to your printing house as separate PDF-files. Printing house will place them to your dissertation. Word-document has to have a page before each articles which indicates the number of the article on dissertation and contains the bibliographic information of the original article. You can attach, however, if you want articles to the dissertation after the dissertation part by using e.g. pdfXchange or Adobe Acrobat Professonal software.

All printed dissertations also have a loose sheet that is placed between the cover and title page. In addition to the standard information, the loose sheet includes information of the dissertation defence.

If you wish for a more closer instructions on typography, please use the Annales Graphic Standards (see below).

NOTE! All the University-level web services have to be accessible (further information The text styles in the templates below include the codes and IDs that are necessary for accessibility, which is why using them is very important. The templates have been updated in March 2021, templates of the Medical Faculty, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Tecnology has bee updated on 17th June, 2024. 

Template for Loose Sheet

Medicine - Word templates and instructions
Natural sciences and Technology - Word and Latex templates and instructions
Humanities, social sciences, education, law and economics - Word templates and instructions

Annales - graphic standards

All the publications in the Annales series follow the same visual standards. Both in the Word and InDesign templates, the typography and section styles have been readily defined. Please follow these styles. Closer instructions are available in the Annales Graphic Standards (follow them closely if you are not using the Word templates):

The tendered printing houses have the layout templates for the content pages. If the layout is made by an external graphic designer or you do the layout yourself, please request the necessary InDesign template from Please mention whether your work is a monography or an article-based dissertation and in which sub-series you are publishing your dissertation.

Cover models for Annales series

The covers in the Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis series have to follow the University’s instructions. The colour of the cover is defined according to its sub-series. You can also add a cover photo related to the topic of the study. Please note the copyright of the photograph.

The covers are ordered through the printing house. The tendered printing houses have the layout templates for the covers and, if needed, you can request them from University Communications at Deliver the texts for the cover, title page and loose sheet to the printing house as .rtf or .doc files.

Cover Models

Cover picture, Series AI. Cover picture, Series AII. Cover picture, Series B.
AI: Astronomica - Chemica -
Physica - Mathematica
AII: Biologica - Geographica -
B - Humaniora
Cover picture, Series D.
Cover picture, Series E.
Cover picture, Series F.
D: Medica - Odontologica E: Oeconomica F: Technica - Informatica
Annales-kansi kuvalla.
Cover with a picture    

