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Turku University Library

Publishing a Doctoral Dissertation

How to submit your thesis to the library

If you publish your thesis in electronic form, the library deposits the thesis to the university's repository. If your thesis is article-based, only the introductory chapters (the summary chapters) are publish online. You do not need to submit the articles to the library.

You can submit your thesis to the library e.g. by email to You can also use different kinds of cloud services, like the university's Seafile, FileSender, Dropbox or GoogleDrive. We recommend that you use email or cloud services for sending the file. If that is not possible, you can also send e.g. a USB stick to the Educarium Library.

Electronic dissertation should be submitted to the library 15 days before the date of defense at the latest.

If you publish your thesis only in electronic format, you must provide the library with 2 printed copies bound in cardboard covers or with a transparent plastic cover. The copies given to the library should include the loose leaf. The 2 copies should be sent to the Feeniks Library. One similar print should also be given to the faculty and a printed copy of the Finnish summary should be sent to the rector.

If you publish your thesis in printed form (or both in printed and electronic format), take care of the distribution of the printed copies according to the Guidelines for Dissertation Defences. You have to give 2 copies to the Feeniks Libary's customer service. The Feeniks Library is located on the university hill (formerly called the main library). NB! If you have asked the printing company to send the required copies to the library, you do not need to bring us any extra copies. Please note that the printing companies do not send copies to the library automatically, but you can ask them to do so. If your thesis is only published in print format, you should also deliver the copies to be distributed to the public (20 copies) to the Feeniks Library.

Notice that the printing house does not automatically send the electronic thesis to the library, thus the author of the thesis is in charge of that (deadline 15 days before the date of defense). 

If your thesis is only published in print format, you should also deliver the copies to be distributed to the public (20 copies) to the Feeniks Library. Library does not need the PDF-file of the thesis as it is not published online. 

Guidelines for the Doctoral Candidate and Guidelines for the Distribution of Theses