In the EXAM system, an exam consists of sections and the questions in these sections. Questions are added to an exam through the "Add new question" tab.
Questions are always added to sections and an exam can contain one or several sections. A section is a group of questions that are related to e.g. a specific topic, book or question type.
You can use the question randomization option to let the system randomly select the desired number of questions from a single section for your exam. The questions that are to be selected randomly from a section must be assessed in the same way, but they can represent different question types (essay, fill-in or multiple choice questions).
Sections are also used to paginate an exam. The questions that belong to a single section are displayed on the same page to the student. So if you decide to use randomly selected questions in your exam, the questions will always be displayed on different pages. You can see the student's exam view from the exam’s preview window when you are creating your exam.
Note! If you want to create an exam with optional subject areas (eg books), you can you tick the box “Optional section” under the section name and write description (e.g. the name of the book, content). See more information “2.1.3. Optional section in the exam”
If you decide not to use the question randomization option and want to display every question on the same page, create your questions under one section.
There are two ways to create questions in EXAM:
The question libary, which you can access from the right side of your dashboard, contains all the questions that you have created or have been added as an owner to. You can search for the questions in your question bank by course, exam and keywords. The search field is located above the questions. In the question bank, you can edit, remove and share questions to other examiners. For more information on the question bank and how it can be utilised, see the next tab.
A question/assignment consists of text and up to one attachment file. The attachment file can be for example PDF, Word, image file or other software, that students can use in their answers. For more information, please visit the Software students can use in their answers page. Students can include one attachment in their answer.
Go to the exam’s Questions tab.
1. In the “Section name” field, write e.g. title of the book, theme or topic that the questions are related to, or just “question” or “questions” and, if necessary, the numbers of the questions in the section.
2. If necessary, you can use the “Section description” field to e.g. write your instructions on how the questions in the section are to be answered (answer length, whether some questions are optional, any similar types of instructions). You can also leave the description field blank.
Note! If you want to create an exam with optional subject areas (eg books), you can you tick the box “Optional section” under the section name and write "Section description" what this section contains, e.g. the name of the book, content, etc. The description of the section is visible to the student in the exam reservation.
See more information “2.1.3. Optional section in the exam”
Remember to save the information in the section before adding any questions.
Sections are used to paginate exam questions. If you decide not to use the question randomization option and want to display every question on the same page, create your questions under one section.
You can add new sections by selecting:
3. Adding questions.
Write your question text in the Create new question section or add a question from the question bank (see “question bank”).
When creating a question, remember to select the question type. See the detailed instructions on creating different question types.
If you decide to use the question randomization option, create the questions that are to be randomized under the same section, select the “Randomize questions” option and specify the number of questions that are to be included in every exam. Every randomized question must use the same grading scale/have the same number of points. Add your questions to the section first and then specify the number of questions that are to be randomly selected.
Please note! If you have turned on the randomize questions option and want to add new questions or change the grading scale of questions to that section, you must first turn off the randomization option before you can add any new questions. Remember to turn on the randomization option after you have added your questions. If an exam has several trial counts, the randomization process will not keep track of which questions were assigned to which student during previous attempts.
4. In the additional information section:
5. Save. When you save a question, it is added to the exam. Please note: If you created the question in the question bank, you must remember to add it to your exam.
6. Use the "Preview exam” function to check that the exam and your instructions are displayed to students in the way that you intended them to.
Remember that you can still modify the exam period and questions of an exam even after the exam has been published. However, after the first person has signed up for the exam, your ability to modify the exam will be restricted, e.g. you will not be able to shorten the exam period. The system will notify you if your modification options have been limited. See the instructions on how to edit an exam
by selecting In Section "Add question from the question bank" and select questions from the question library list, that you want to add this exam.
and select
The questions has added to the section.
In the student's booking view, student will see “I want to take this section”, appears next to the optional section. The student selects the section(s) he / she wants to take. If all the sections are optional, the student must choose at least one to reserve time for the exam.
When you create a question directly in an exam, it is also saved to your EXAM question library. You can create questions in your question library and add them to an exam at a later date. Questions can be edited, removed and shared to another teacher.
The question library, which you can access from the right side of your dashboard, contains all the questions that you have created or have been added as an owner to.
Create a new question in the Question library page by selecting the “Create new question” button:
You can create the following question types:
You can search for the questions in your question library by course, exam and keywords. The search field is located above the questions.
The question library displays the last time that a question was edited as well as its maximum score, question type and possible attachment.
by selecting In Section "Add questions from the question bank" and select questions from the question library list, that you want to add this exam.
and select Add selected (1).
The questions has added to the section.
You can remove a question from the question library by selecting the rubbish bin icon at the end of the row. The system will ask you to confirm that you want to delete the question before it is deleted. If the question has been added to an exam/exams whose exam period is still valid, the question cannot be deleted. If a question has been part of an exam whose exam period has ended, the question can be deleted, since every exam submission includes a copy of the contents of the exam.
You can copy a question as a new question by selecting the document stack icon at the end of the row. The copy of the question will include the word “Copy” in front of its name, but you can edit the question's name and contents after it has been copied
The system supports using the same name with multiple questions. Every question is assigned an ID number, which is shown under the question.
You can edit a question by clicking on the question's ID number in the question library.
If you edit a question's grading scale, points, recommended length, answering instructions or assessment criteria, these changes will apply only to the question that you are editing.
Tags and question owners can only be edited in the question library (not in the exam) if the question is used in several exams. These edits will then be applied to every exam. So if you want to update these fields, edit the question by selecting its ID number .
The teacher will now appear as an owner in the question’s additional information section. The question will be visible in the other person’s question library and they will have the same right to edit and use the question as you have.
You can also rescind your ownership of the question if you do not need it anymore. If you want to keep a personal copy of the question (that is not the same as the one that you shared with another person), make a copy of the question for yourself and then remove yourself from the list of owners of the question that you shared.
Examiners can also edit questions! If you add another examiner to your exam, they will also be able to edit the questions in the exam, but the questions will not be copied to their question library.
Students answer essay tasks in an answer editor that includes basic formatting options as well as the option to insert special characters and tables. Students can also attach their answer if it is in a file (e.g. a Word document). The essay answer editor includes a word counter, but the editor cannot limit the number of words that a student can include in their answer.
2. Write your question in the text field:
3. In the assessment section:
Please note! If you are planning to provide your students with optional questions (the students select the question(s) that they will answer), use pass/fail grading for those questions. If you are planning to use point-based grading, the system will include the total maximum points from every optional question in the overall score of the exam. You can use the 0-5 grading scale when grading your exam.
4. In the additional information section, you can (for more information, see "2.1.2. To add questions to the exam"):
5. Save.
When you save a question, it is added to the exam in question. Please note! If you created the question in the question library, you must remember to add it to your exam.
In a multiple choice question that has one correct answer, students can only select one option. While your students can change the option that they have selected, they cannot clear their selection completely.
If student don´t answer question or select only false option the minimum score for every question is 0 points.
Multiple choice questions (one correct answer) are evaluated automatically, which means that they can be included in automatically evaluated exams.
1. Select the question type:
2. Write your question:
4. Define the maximum grade of the question. You can also use decimals by typing the number of points into the field.
Please note! Don´t write front of the answer option eg. a), b), c) ect. because the answer options are different order in the exam
5. In the additional information section, you can (for more information, see "2.1.2. To add questions to the exam"):
6. Save.
When you save a question, it is added to the exam in question. Please note! If you created the question in the question library, you must remember to add it to your exam.
Multiple choice questions that feature several correct answers can contain one or several correct answers, or even options that are all correct. Students can select one or several options as well as clear the options that they have selected.
If student don´t answer question or select only false option (s) the minimum score for every question is 0 points.
Multiple choice questions (several correct answers) are evaluated automatically, which means that they can be included in automatically evaluated exams.
1. Select the question type:
2. Write your question in the text field:
3. Add your answer options and points by clicking on "add new opnton by clicking here" in the “Answer options” section:
Please note! Don´t write front of the answer option eg. a), b), c) ect. because the answer options are different order in the exam.
Write your answer options in the fields reserved for them and assign a score for each option. These scores can also be negative and include decimals. The total grade of a question is the total added score of every correct answer, and this grade is displayed below the answer options.
In a question that contains multiple correct answers, you can assign negative points only within a question, and if a student selects every option, they will receive 0 points. The minimum score for every question is 0 points. Negative scores for incorrect answers can be used to define the emphasis of each incorrect option and whether a student will receive 0 points for choosing one incorrect answer or whether an incorrect answer will only deduct points from their score (e.g. negates one correct answer).
Below are three examples of how multiple choice questions can be scored:
1. A question that contains an equal number of correct and incorrect options, one incorrect choice negates one correct choice (correct 1p and incorrect -1p):
2. A question that contain two correct options and one incorrect option (correct 1p and incorrect -2p):
3. A question that contains an equal number of correct and incorrect options, but one incorrect choice will result in the student receiving 0 points (correct 1p and incorrect -2p):
Do not use any internet links in your questions or supplementary materials, as all exam machines are blocked from accessing the internet.
4. In the additional information section, you can (for more information, see "2.1.2. To add questions to the exam"):
5. Save.
When you save a question, it is added to the exam in question. Please note! If you created the question in the question library, you must remember to add it to your exam.
One question can include several fill-in sections, and these sections can be answered using text or numbers. Each question is assigned a total score, and this score is divided equally among the fill-in sections that the question contains. Individual fill-in sections cannot be worth different points.
Fill-in exercises are evaluated automatically, which means that they can be included in automatically evaluated exams..
So, for example, if a question has a total score of 5:
The correct answer for a fill-in section:
Fill-in exercises are evaluated automatically, which means that they can be included in automatically evaluated exams. How a fill-in exercise looks for students (answer is written in the blank fill-in space):
1. Select the question type:
2. Write the text for the question or copy and paste it from another file into the question text field. NOTE! If you are going to copy your question from another file, paste it as plain text by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+V.
3. Highlight the part of the text where you want to add the fill-in section and select the “Embedded answer” icon from the toolbar.
Do not use any internet links in your questions or supplementary materials, as all exam machines are blocked from accessing the internet.
Write the correct options in the “Correct answer” field according to the instructions below and select Ok. The system will highlight any fill-in sections and correct answers using a yellow box.
If the question is to be answered using text, remember to check that the “Case sensitive” option is how you want it to be. Select either yes or no in the section titled “Case sensitive”.
NOTE! Use only this specialmarks '|' ja '*', that are mention below. Don´t use other specialmarks e.g. these marks: "(" or ")"
6. In the additional information section, you can (for more information, see "2.1.2. To add questions to the exam"):
7. Save: When you save a question, it is added to the exam in question. Please note! If you created the question in the question library, you must remember to add it to your exam.
Statement question (can be edited): Student can get negative points for a wrong answer which will affect the total points of the exam. However, the total points cannot go below zero.
Default answer options are: True, False and I don't know. Student will see the answer options in this order (it will not be randomized).
Correct and wrong answer is determined by the score per answer option (>0 correct and <=0 wrong):
1. Choose question type from the list.
2. Add the question text.
3. The question type automatically includes the answer options True (+ 1p), False (-1p) and I don't know (0p). To use these options, continue to the next section, Additional information. If, on the other hand, you want to edit the text or points in the answer options, you can do so at this point. Please follow the detailed instructions in connection with the question.
4. In the additional information section, you can (for more information, see "2.1.2. To add questions to the exam"):
In this section you can
5. Save:
When you save a question, it is added to the exam in question. Please note! If you created the question in the question library, you must remember to add it to your exam.
NOTE! Please use either Firefox or Chrome.
As an examiner, you can transfer essays and multiple-choice questions from Exam-system to Moodle –system question bank and use them in Moodle quiz activity. The questions will be saved in the Exam XML transfer file and you can import questions to Moodle's question bank.
Select first in the Examin -systems question bank the questions, that you want to transfer. After this you can see the top right of the question bank "Export questions to Moodle XML format (only essays and multiple choice questions)". Select this:
and then save the moodle-export.xml file to your computer:
Now you can then close Exam –system. Log in Moodle and import the questions.
As a teacher, you can import questions to Moodle –system question bank and use them in Moodle quiz activity. Select in Moodle Course administration.
First add a new category in Moodle for this questions. Later you can create more categories and organised your questions into categories
and then select “Import” in Question bank:
Select "Moodle XML Format" as the file format. Then import the file into Moodle from your computer via the Select File... button and select the file from your computer + "Upload this file" You can also use “Drag and drop files here to add them”. At last, select "Import". See more from import questions
Questions will be added to Moodle's question bank. Moodle tell you about the success of importing questions and lists the imported files.
In question bank you can more create categories (select “Categories”) and move questions to them. Moodle´s categories correspond to sections of Exam –system. If you use the question randomization option, move the questions that are to be randomized under the same Moodle´s category (same as you use sections in Exam -system).
Create Moodle quiz activity and set its options, which specify the rules for interacting with the quiz After this you can add questions from the question bank. In "Edit quiz" page click “Add” and choose options:
If you want to use question randomization option (question randomly picked from a category) click '+ a random question':
Select the category and number of random questions:
If you add same questions for all exams click '+ from question bank':
You can edit questions in Moodle quiz activity. If you have in Exam-system question response length in words, question instructions or attachment you find them in Moodle question text.
More Moodle guides:
Multiple choice question (several correct answers): Some questions could be skipped because of these grade options in Exam -system not match in grade in Moodle.
Moodle view info:
The reason is that, the points given in Exam-system will be converted to percentages when transferred to Moodle. Moodle don´t understand this -0,34, -0,33, -0,33 options, what can use in Exam (multiple choice question, several correct answers).
This can solve so that you make re-import and select General > Match grades “Nearest grade if not listed” (this settings are hidden by default but open by clicking). Otherwise, the Import page options are same. When an import is made with this regulation, it should go through.
In such a situation, the scores of some multiple-choice answer options change from the original, it is good check these grade options in Moodle.
More Moodle guides: Import questions
The following software is available to students on exam computers: Word 2021 (without the spell check and translate functions), Excel 2021 (incl. Solver), Power Point 2021, Paint, Python 3.11.1 (64-bit), Note, Dia 0.97.2, Inskscape 1.3.2., R for Windows 4.4.0., RStudio (x64) 2024.04.0., Qalculate! (classic) 4.3.0., Notepad, Notepad++ (x64), Windows calculator, PDF reader that can also be used to save PDF files, Zip File Manager and VLC Media Player and headset.
In Aurum e-exam room all computers, in Agora e-exam room eight computers, in Rauma and in Vaasa e-exams room two computers, in Pub 418 (Exam room for the special accomodations) and in Pori e-exam room one computer have Wacom Cintiq interactive pen display. If interactive pen display is required for the exam answer, the teacher must select it when creating the exam and the students can make reservation to the Agora, Aurum, Pub 418, Pori, Rauma and Vaasa e-exam rooms computers with the interactive pen display.
You can find some more information how you can select Interactive Pen Display from software list and how students to use interactive pen display on the exam computer (these instructions are also on the exam room seats)
and then selecting the character that they want:
Student can add tables to the text that they have written in the answer editor by selecting:
write mathematical formulas using TeX: