The address of the Exam service is: As the examiner, you can create, edit and assess electronic exams in the Exam system. The instructions for creating, editing and assessing have been compiled into this guide.
Note! Use Firefox- or Chrome browser.
Plan questions and construction of the exam and see the instructions from this guide.
You can start create the exam in Exam -system "Dashboard", select "Create new exam" and you can find tooltip guides from Exam -system (?-icon).
From your unit Exam -system support persons you can ask guide and support in the use of the Exam system. You can also get help from Exam-system maintenance and support:
The service support will create an exam area for you so that you have the examiner rights. You can editing the exam and assessed the answers. You will receive an email when the exam area has been created in the service. Log in Exam -system before you send the ordering form!
Send the exam information and questions (how questions are grouped, how many questions will be selected from each group for the exam and what is questions grading scale) with the ordering form at least a week before the exam is opened (you can send questions with attach files -function). You will receive an email when exam is taken.
When the general exam is available in the Exam -system, you have to inform students, that the exam is bookable. You can send the registration link for the students of the general exam (at the bottom of the Publish -page) or add information of its availability e.g. into the course home page Moodle and into the study guide. Student can copy‐paste the registration link to the address row of the browser and can directly register for the exam and make reservation. Students can also find exam from Exams- system by find box (e.g. with the course code or name of the teacher) and make reservation in Exam-system.
If you create the personal e-exam or the maturity test in Exam -system, student get e-mail when the exam in available (publish) and student can make reservation. In the e-mail is link to the Exam -system where student can to make a reservation.
It is important, that you assesses all exams in the Exam -system. Then the students receives an email announcement of the finished assesses and they can make e new reservation. And the grades can mark to Study Register.
Study attainments transfer to the register and the whole course grade will be transferred from Exam to the register after locking the assessment. If the exam constitutes the whole course grade (the course grade = the exam grade), the grade will be transferred into the study register from the Exam system, so the exam grades do not need to be delivered to the student administration. The assessments of partial course grades always need to be delivered to the register separately.
Once a week (Monday mornings) Exam -system sends to you a summary of reservations and exams to be evaluated. If in the e-exams are multiple teachers, each of them receives email.
You can also log in to Exam -system and find this information on the Dashboard > the tab under Active exams and Unassessed exam > Unassessed and Waiting for final Assessment.
The assessment period of the exams is 3 weeks, and exams taken in summer (1 June–15 August) need to be assessed by 5 September.
You can edit the questions and the exam period although the exam has been published. After students have made reservations, editing possibilities are limited. The software informs you if editing is not possible (e.g. shortening of the exam period is not possible)
If you want to edit questions although the exam in open for students:
When an exam has closed, it can be found under the tab Archived exams. You can re-open the exam by clicking the name of the exam and change the exam period in the tab Publish. Change the date in the calendar and save.
You can also copy an exam, make changes to the exam and publish it to students. You can copy the exam with Copy "icon" you find after the name of the exam.