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Turku University Library


What is ORCID?

An introductory video on ORCID:


ORCID provides a free, persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers. Through integration in key research workflows, such as manuscript and grant submissions, it supports automated linking between you and your scholarly activities ensuring that your work is identified.

  • ORCID allows you to attribute all your research outputs correctly and to distinguishes you from other researchers with the same name.
  • The Library cannot create an ORCID identifier on the researchers' behalf.
  • ORCID is permanent, and belongs to you only. Changes in home organisation or your name do not affect your ORCID.
  • Publishers and research funders are integrating ORCID into their submission and application processes.
  • Unlike other identifier systems, ORCID is an open and community-driven system that transcends disciplines, geographic regions, and different types of content.
  • Find out more at
  • Other benefits of ORCID at

UTUCRIS - ORCID integration

Publications and affiliations can be synchronised from UTUCRIS to ORCID. If you want to enable this feature, follow the instructions on this page to connect your account.

Please read the ORCID privacy policy and ORCID terms and conditions before continuing. By authorising the export of content from UTUCRIS to ORCID you allow your data to be processed outside the EU.

Details of data transfer

  • What is transferred: First name, last name, e-mail address, publications, affiliations
  • For what purpose: managing your ORCID identifier
  • To whom: ORCID, Inc.
  • To which country: United States

Once your ORCID is connected to your UTUCRIS profile, the following information is automatically exported from UTUCRIS to ORCID on a daily basis:

  • Your institutional organisational affiliation
  • Other personal identifiers (e.g. Scopus author ID, Researcher ID)
  • Your UTUCRIS portal URL
  • Your research outputs, if:
    • the publication status is either "E-pub ahead of print" or "Published"
    • the visibility of the record is "Public - No restriction"
    • the publication has been validated by the Library

Publications found in UTUCRIS before the ORCID connection, can be transferred to ORCID. Contact, if you have publication records that you want to transfer to ORCID.

ORCID integration

1. Log in to UTUCRIS.

2. Choose My settings -> ORCID settings.

3. Click Connect to your ORCID account.

Screencapture of Connect to your ORCID account button

4. Sign in with the email address you used to register for ORCID or with your ORCID ID.

5. Click SIGN IN (do not use option Access through your institution)

6. Click the Close window button

7. ORICD ID is updated automatically into your UTUCRIS profile

8. ORCID ID will be visible in your UTUCRIS profile and there is a button to disconnect ORCID from your UTUCRIS profile in My Setting

Please note! UTUCRIS transfers your full name (including all forenames) to ORCID by default. If you do not want to display your full name, login to and modify your name by clicking My ORCID Record. See Optional settings in ORCID (highly recommended) for further instructions.

1. Log in to the UTUCRIS research information system. Select My settings -> ORCID settings.

2. Choose Connect to your ORCID account.

3. Select Register now.

4. Fill in your first name, last name, and email address, then choose Next Step. In the next step, set a password and choose Next Step again. After that, select the publication preferences that suit your account and choose Next Step once more. Finally, choose whether you want to receive emails from ORCID, accept the privacy notice and terms of use, solve the CAPTCHA, and then choose Complete Registration.

5. Authorize the transfer of data from the University of Turku UTUCRIS research information system to the ORCID system by selecting Authorize access.

6. Choose Close Window. The browser will redirect you back to the research information system.

7. Your ORCID identifier will be automatically updated in your information.

8. As a confirmation of the connection, you will see the ORCID identifier in your details and a button in My settings, which can be used to disconnect the ORCID connection if desired.

9. You will receive an email from ORCID to confirm your registration. Click Verify your email address to complete the registration and activate your ORCID ID.

Please note! UTUCRIS transfers your full name (including all forenames) to ORCID by default. If you do not want to display your full name, login to and modify your name by clicking My ORCID Record. See Optional settings in ORCID (highly recommended) for further instructions.