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Turku University Library


Check your publication list and submit missing info

The library imports publications affiliated to University of Turku and Turku University hospital from Web of Science, Scopus, Medic and Arto databases using an automated search. Researchers add their publications which are not included in those databases.

Check your publication list is up to date

1. Log in to UTUCRIS system, or

2. Open the Researcher's CV (in UTU intranet)

Check your publication list regularly and submit missing information either by filling the online form or manually.

It is likely you will have to submit the information yourself, if...

  • You're reporting a Finnish publication
  • You're reporting a less common research output type (e.g. book or report, etc.)
  • Your publication has not been indexed in WoS, Scopus, Medic or Arto by the end of the year
  • Your publication cannot be found on UTUCRIS or Publication data repository by the end of the year.

Publication information can be submitted as soon as the article/book has been accepted for publication.

The library will validate the information, after which they will be transferred to the national VIRTA publication service and to the service.

The information of the VIRTA publication service is utilised, among others, in the reporting of the research financing of the Academy of Finland.

What kind of publications are eligible in publication data collection?

The publications reported in the data collection by the Ministry of Education and Culture must meet the following criteria:

1. The publication must be publicly accessible to anyone.

  • Public means that the publication is available to anyone for free or for a fee. For example, a publication distributed only to conference participants or available online in a limited manner is not considered publicly accessible and, therefore, is not reported in the publication data collection. The presence of an ISSN and ISBN is considered an indication that the publication was originally intended to be publicly available.

2. The publication channel must have an editorial board or publisher independent of the author, who decides on the publications to be released on the channel.

  • For example, self-published works by the author or documents published on personal websites are not reported. Also, publications made public by the author through an individual library or organization's publication archive are not reported unless the publication decision was made by an independent external entity, not the author.

3. The publication has not been previously published in the format reportable in the publication data collection.

  • The publication must contain new scientific, professional, or artistic content that has not been previously published in the reportable format of the data collection. Therefore, a publication stored in a publication archive (e.g., can be reported when it is subsequently published in a journal or another reportable format. Translations of one's own or others' texts or new editions of publications are not reported unless the publication has been significantly modified compared to the previous edition. Updates to online publications are also not reported as new publications.

4. The author of the publication has a connection to the reporting organization.

  • The organization has enabled the creation of the publication and the research or expert work. In practice, this means that the author is in an employment or other contractual relationship with the organization (for postgraduate students, according to the criteria below) or the organization has otherwise enabled the creation of the publication.

        In the case of postgraduate students at universities, publications are recorded from those who have been enrolled as active students. When the author of the publication is not affiliated with the organization based on employment or the right to continue studies, they must still have received the resources and work environment (equipment, materials, research group) that enabled active research from the organization. A docent title is an honorary title and is not sufficient as a tie to the university.

        The connection to the organization is primarily determined based on the affiliation mentioned by the author in the publication. For this reason, authors must be particularly careful to ensure that the organization's name is included in the publication and that it is presented in the correct form. Publications are recorded for the organization where the research or expert work related to the publication was primarily conducted, even if the author has moved to another organization before the publication is released.

        A dissertation can be reported for both the university that awarded the degree and the organization to which the author is affiliated in a service or other relationship.

        Publications by undergraduate students at universities are not considered in the Ministry of Education and Culture's publication data collection.

5. The publication is based on the author's research or expert work.

  • For example, publications related solely to hobbies, organizations, or business that are not based on research or expert activities are not reported. Also, publications for marketing communication purposes are not reported.


Adding publication information

Submitting your publication information using the online form is an easy and quick process. In addition to basic bibliographic info you are also asked to provide the final accepted (and peer-reviewed) manuscript of your publication for parallel publishing in UTUCRIS. NB. Attachment file is mandatory. If you don't have file for parallel publishing you can report your publication by emailing, please include all relevant information about your publication.

Open the online form by clicking the link below.

1. Access the UTUCRIS system in
Log in via the LOGIN link. If you are logged in in the university web, the link takes you directly to your personal profile page. When logging in from outside the university web the system asks your UTU credentials and password.

Access the UTUCRIS system in via the LOGIN link.

2. Start adding publications via the "Add new" button at the top-right corner. Select ”Publication” in the opening window:

Start adding publications via the "Add new" button at the top-right corner.

3. First, select the publication type. The descriptions of publication types are visible in the right hand window when hovering the mouse over the name of the publication type:

First, select the publication type.

Descriptions of the publication types can also be found in the Ministry of Education’s Publication data collection instructions for researchers.
In need for advice on selecting the publication type, please contact the UTUCRIS team at the Library (

4. Fill in the basic information about the publication. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

The Authors and organisation affiliations in the University of Turku field already contains your own organisation affiliation. Other UTU-affiliated authors can be added by the plus (+) button which opens a search field. Each author has to be added separately.
Adding the organisation affiliation cards for other UTU-affiliated authors is important, since this way the publication will show also in their profiles. All authors need not feed the information independently; you can e.g. agree between the authors on who does the feeding.

Depending on what type of publication you are feeding, start adding the publisher’s name or journal title by clicking the plus (+) button:

Depending on what type of publication you are feeding, start adding the publisher’s name or journal title by clicking the plus (+) button.

Write the journal title or publisher's name in the opening search window and click the magnifying glass button. When searching the publisher, note that titles can cover several interleaves. The amount of interleaves is shown at the top-right corner; browse the interleaves with the arrows.

NB! The ISBN serial number in the publisher’s information card is that of the publisher and not that of an individual publication. A publisher may have several ISBNs in the same record. The publisher’s ISBN is shorter than that of an individual publication. There is a field for your individual publication’s ISBN below in the template. The number 0-3 between the name and the ISBN or ISSN serial number indicates the Publication Forum rating level of the journal or the publisher:

A publisher may have several ISBNs in the same record.

Tip: the right publisher can be identified by the ISBN of the book. The first two-part (10-number ISBN) or three-part (13-number ISBN) hyphenated series of the ISBN serial number form the publisher’s ISBN. The final two number sections identify an individual book.

If you find several alternatives when searching the title of a journal, select the one with an ISSN and a Publication Forum level number.
Remember to click the plus (+) button to add the title of the journal or the publisher’s name in the template.
If a journal or a publisher is lacking from the system you can add  its information in the comment field so that the library validates the new publication channel.

Fulltext Publication and open access *
NB! It is usually prohibited to use the publisher’s fulltext PDF. Majority of journals and book publishers allow archiving the final peer-reviewed manuscript version of the publication. Save the manuscript in the template, and the Library checks the permission to parallel publish it in the system.
In the mandatory Select open access field, select the right alternative from the dropdown menu window. If you are not sure, select “No answer”.

In the mandatory Select open access field, select the right alternative from the dropdown menu window.

DOI number or URL

Provide your publication's DOI number if it has one. DOI number helps access the publication if it's URL address changes. Use only the string of characters starting with 10., leaving out possible prefixes such as doi: or If your publication does not have a DOI number, fill in it's URL address instead.

DOI number or URL

Self-archiving of the publication *
In the mandatory ”Is the publication self-archived?” field, select  “My publication is self-archived” if you have attached a manuscript above, and “My publication is not self-archived” if you have not attached one:

Self-archiving of the publication

If you have questions about filling the template, or something about the filing, e.g. filling in a certain field is unclear to you, you can type comments for the Library validator’s information in the Comments field. The comments will not be visible in the public UTUCRIS view.

Mandatory classifications for the Ministry *
The Ministry of Education collects statistical data about the publications. If a publication has been authored in collaboration with another domestic (i.e., Finnish) party (e.g., another university, a company etc.), select the relevant alternatives.  
In the Internationality of publication * field, select the right alternative for domestic (=Finnish) or international publication.
If your publication is an article, the International co-publication alternative is selected according to the article’s authors (and not the whole volume, in case of a compendium article).
The mandatory Fields of science field is determined based on the content of your publication. To add the field of science, click the plus (+) button and access the classification by clicking the AZ icon:

Fields of science

In the listing that opens, choose the field/s with the plus (+) button. Please note that the listing covers several interleaves (the amount of interleaves is shown at the top-right corner; browse the interleaves with the arrows).

5. Finally, click the Save finished button to start saving the information. Information of the current and previous years are then saved for validation by clicking the ”For validation by Library” status option from the menu:

Click the ”For validation by Library” status

Publications older than from the year 2010 or authored with an affiliation to another organization are saved in ”Old (before 2010) or not UTU publication” status from the menu. Please note that the Library does not check the information of these publications.
After selecting the right status click Done. After this, the system checks that all mandatory fields have been filled in.

If the template does not contain all mandatory information, the system indicates the lacking fields in an error message:

The system indicates the lacking fields in an error message.

To add in the lacking information, return to the template by clicking Close. After filling in all the mandatory fields, click the Save finished button again, select the same status option as before and click the Done button once more

Now, according to your status choice, the publication is in the line for Library validation or, in case of old or elsewhere-affiliated publications, visible in the UTUCRIS system and on your profile page.

Importing your publications from databases

If you publish in journals or proceedings that are indexed in Web of SciencePubMed or Scopusit is possible to gather nearly all needed publication information directly from these databases. UTUCRIS Converis has the best interoperability with Web of Science. 

Click the pictures to see them full-sized. 

  1. Log in to UTUCRIS with your UTU credentials and click “Add new” ► “Publication”.
    Add new publication
  2. Choose “Import from” ► “External sources”.
  3. Choose an operative affiliation card on which you want to relate your publications (+).
  4. Choose the source from which you want to import your publications (Web of Science, Scopus or PubMed).
  5. On the “authors” search field, the valid way of writing is the default one: your last name and the first letter of your first name. 
  6. Choose the time span you want to bring your publications from (e.g. 2017–2019). 
    Search options
  7. Click “Search”. The search might take a while.
  8. On the list below, choose the publications you want to import.
    (If the “Action to be performed” margin says “Possible duplicate” or “Already your publication”, the publication is probably already in UTUCRIS and don’t need to be imported. In this case go check the publication information and add yourself as an author if needed.)
  9. NB! If the search gives you more than ten publications, they will appear in several tabs.
    Publication list founded from external source.
  10. After choosing all your publications you want to import, click “Validate”.
  11. Check the list one more time. Then click “Confirm”.
  12. Now you see how many publications you have brought to the system. If you want to edit your publications later, save them as a draft mode (not publically visible) click “Done”. If you want to edit them right away, click “Validate”.
  13. When you want to edit/enrich your publication information, go to main menu and choose “Publications” ► “Publications”. On the drop-down menu, choose the “Date edited (descending order)” to get your last imported publications on the top of the list.
  14. In the edition mode, fill in the following information:
  • Choose the correct publication type. The default is usually A1 but it’s not always correct. Check out the publication type here.
    Publication type can be changed.
  • List of Authors: Add the whole first names of all authors. Do NOT use comma between one’s last and first name. Pay attention in the right order of writers, too.
  • Add the language(s) of publication. 
    Language selection
  • If the publication has other UTU authors, add them on the list. NB.! Choose an operative affiliation!
  • Fill in the journal information: ISSN/ISBN, volume number and issue number; article number in the case of e-publication
  • Open Access status
  • Is the publication self-archived?
  • DOI-number (short).
  • National cooperation
  • Internationality of publication and internationality of co-publishing
  • Fields of Science (at least one)

When you’re ready, click “Save finished” and choose the option “For validation by library”. Note, that if any of the obligatory information is missing, the system will not let you save the edited version.

When the publication is saved with the validation status, you will receive a confirmation email and a request to send the last draft (not formatted by the publisher) of your publication to library. 

Good to know about publication types

Blog posts:

  • A blog post can be reported using "Journal articles" publication form if the blog has an ISSN number or if the site clearly indicates an editorial board composed of multiple entities. In this case, you can choose publication types D1 Professional blog post or E1 Popularised blog post.

  • Usually, this information is not available. In these cases the blog post should be reported using the form "Other publications", with the publication type O2 Other publication.

Conference abstracts and posters:

  • These should be reported using the "Other publications" form.