The Library imports publications affiliated to University of Turku and Turku University hospital from Web of Science, Scopus, Medic and Arto databases. Researchers need to add their publications which are not included in those databases.
Check if your publication list is up to date
1. Log in to UTUCRIS system, OR
2. Open the Researcher's CV (in UTU intranet)
Check your publication list regularly and submit any missing information to the Library. You can do this either by online form (easiest way), by entering information manually to the system or by importing it from databases or ORCID.
It is likely you will have to submit the information yourself, if...
Information can be submitted as soon as the article/book has been accepted for publication.
The Library will validate the information, after which it will be transferred to the national VIRTA publication service and to the service.
The information in VIRTA publication service is utilised, among others, in the reporting of the research financing of the Academy of Finland.
Publications from the current and previous year are reported to the Ministry of Education and Culture's publication data collection.
Reported publications must meet the following criteria:
1. The publication must be publicly accessible to anyone.
2. The publication channel must have an editorial board or publisher independent of the author, who decides on the publications to be released on the channel.
3. The publication has not been previously published in the format reportable in the publication data collection.
4. The author of the publication has a connection to the reporting organization.
5. The publication is based on the author's research or expert work.
These criteria apply to both print publications as well as electronically distributed documents (e.g. online journals).
For guidance on selecting the correct publication type, please see the Ministry of Education and Culture's Publication data collection instructions for researchers. You can also contact the UTUCRIS team at the Library ( for assistance.
Blog posts:
A blog post can be reported using "Journal articles" publication form if the blog has an ISSN number or if the site clearly indicates an editorial board composed of multiple entities. In this case, you can choose publication types D1 Professional blog post or E1 Popularised blog post.
Usually, this information is not available. In these cases the blog post should be reported using the form "Other publications", with the publication type O2 Other publication.
Conference abstracts and posters:
These should be reported using the "Other publications" form. Choose "Poster" or "Abstract" from the Publication type drop-down menu.
Using an online form is the easiest and fastest way to submit your publication information. In addition to basic bibliographic info you are also asked to provide the final accepted (and peer-reviewed) manuscript of your publication for parallel publishing in UTUCRIS. NB. Attachment file is mandatory.
Form for submitting publication information
If you don't have file for parallel publishing you can report your publication by emailing Please include all relevant information about your publication.
Click the pictures to see them full-sized.
1. Access the UTUCRIS system at Log in by using the "LOGIN" link.
2. Start adding the publication by clicking "Add new" at the top-right corner. In the window that opens, select “Publication":
3. Choose the publication type.
In the form that opens, specify the publication type further using the "Publication type" drop-down menu.
For guidance on selecting the correct publication type, please see the Ministry of Education and Culture's Publication data collection instructions for researchers. You can also contact the UTUCRIS team at the Library ( for assistance.
4. If your publication has a DOI identifier, enter it in the DOI field. Enter only the string of characters starting with 10., and leave out any prefixes such as doi: or . Click "Import with DOI".
The system will retrieve the publication's basic information using the DOI.
If your publication does not have a DOI, enter its web address in the next field.
5. Attach the full text file. Click the folder icon to attach the accepted, peer-reviewed manuscript for self-archiving.
The Library will check the publisher's permission for self-archiving and, if necessary, set an embargo period for the public visibility of the self-archived file.
Most journals and some book publishers permit self-archiving of the final manuscript. Typically, the final PDF with the publisher's layout cannot be self-archived, except for publications licensed under a Creative Commons license. The preprint version should not be used here.
6. Review and, when necessary, fill in the basic information about the publication. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
The Authors and affiliations in UTU field already contains your own organisation affiliation. You can change it if needed.
Add other UTU-affiliated authors with the plus (+) button, which opens a search field. Adding the other UTU-affiliated authors is important so that the publication will show in their profiles and the same publication will not be added several times.
Depending on the publication type, start adding the journal title or publisher’s name by clicking the plus (+) button. Enter the journal or publisher name in the search window that opens.
Results can cover several tabs. Browse the tabs with the arrows in the top-right corner. Choose the right alternative with the plus button:
Tip: you can identify the correct publisher by looking at the ISBN of the book. The first two or three parts of the ISBN identify the publisher. The final sections identify an individual book.
Cooperation information: If the publication was made in collaboration with another party (e.g., another university), select the relevant alternative(s). For book articles, complete this section according to the article, not the whole book.
The Field of science is determined based on the content of your publication. To add the field of science, click the plus (+) button. You can see all alternatives by clicking the "AZ" icon.
Choose the relevant field(s) of science with the plus (+) button. Note that the listing covers several tabs. Browse the tabs with the arrows in the top-right corner.
You can use the comments field if you have questions or if filling out a certain field is unclear to you. You can also add information about a preprint available online. Only the Library will see the comments, they are not publicly visible.
7. Save the information by clicking "Save finished". In the window that opens, choose "For validation by Library".
Click "Done". If you have not entered all mandatory information, the system will not save the information but indicate the missing fields with red colour.
The Library will review the information and validate the publication. After this, the publication will become publicly visible in the Research Portal and your profile.
It is possible to import publication information from Web of Science, PubMed and Scopus. If you publish in journals or proceedings that are indexed in these databases, you can import nearly all needed information directly from them. UTUCRIS has the best interoperability with Web of Science.
You can also import publications that you have added to ORCID.
Click the pictures to see them full-sized.
1. Click “Add new” and “Publication” in the top-right corner.
2. Choose “Import from” and “External sources”.
3. Choose an active affiliation card on which you want to relate your publications.
4. Choose the database from which you want to import your publications (Web of Science, Scopus or PubMed) or choose ORCID Search on the other tab.
4.1 Import from databases: The “authors” field has your last name and your first name initial. Leave it as it is by default. Choose time span.
4.2 ORCID Search: Enter your ORCID ID in the search field.
5. Click “Search”. This might take a while.
6. Choose the publications you want to import from the list. If a publication is marked “Possible duplicate” or “Already your publication”, it is probably already in UTUCRIS and does not need to be imported.
7. NB! If more than ten publications are found, they will appear in several tabs.
8. Choose the publications you want to import and click “Validate”.
9. You will get a list of the publications you chose. Click “Confirm”.
10. If you want to edit your publications later, save them as a drafts by clicking “Done”. If you want to edit them right away, click “Validate your publications” to view them one by one.
11. For editing the publications, see instructions on the next tab.
1. From the drop-down menu above your publication list, choose “Updated on”.
2. Click "Edit". It is a good idea to have the original publication open for example in another tab while editing the information. Fill in the following information:
3. When you are ready, click “Save finished” and choose “For validation by Library”. If any obligatory information is missing, the system will not let you save the publication.
4. The Library will review the information and validate the publication. After this, the publication will become publicly visible in the Research Portal and your profile.