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Filling in information on the UTUKandi form (student)

After submitting your thesis to the Turnitin assignment according to the instructions, you can fill in the information of your thesis on the UTUKandi form. You can find the link to the form in the same email you received from the system which you used to access the Moodle area


In collaborative theses, only the so-called responsible student will fill in the thesis information on the form. The other author(s) will receive an email once the information is filled in and they have to visit the form to confirm the information.

1. Click the link to the UTUKandi form which was sent to you by email..

* Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Other fields do not have to be filled in if they do not concern your thesis. For example, if your thesis does not have a subtitle, leave the field empty.

Your personal information will be retrieved automatically to the section “student's information”. If you notice any mistakes in your personal information, do not fill in the form and contact

In collaborative theses, the personal information is shown on the form so that the co-author’s (other student’s) information is shown first, followed by the information of the responsible student.

2. Fill in the thesis information (image 1)::

a) Select the link to the work you submitted to the Turnitin assignment from the drop-down menu..

NOTE:The submitted file has to be a PDF file. If the work you submitted is in some other file format, please contact your supervisor. Your supervisor can delete an incorrect submission, after which you can resubmit your thesis in the correct format to the Turnitin assignment.

b) Select the primary language of thesis.

c) Mark the total number of pages in the thesis, i.e. the entire number of pages in the file including the title page and appendices.

d)Fill in the titleas well as the subtitle if your thesis has one. If you have written the abstract also in another language, fill in the title also in that language.

e) Write an abstract for your thesis or copy and paste the body of your abstract (Note: no formatting, or bibliographic information or keywords) from the thesis to the form. If you have written the abstract also in another language, copy and paste it to its own field on the form. Please remove possible hyphens and line breaks from the pasted text.

f) Copy the key wordsfrom the abstract of your thesis to the key words field, separated by commas. A general guideline on keywords is that they describe the contents of the work.

g) Select the manner of publication. The purpose of publication is to increase the openness of science and research and to improve the availability of theses. The student has a copyright to their work, so you can choose yourself to which extent your thesis is published online. If you are unsure, you can discuss the matter with your supervisor.

Please note that with collaborative theses both students have copyright to the thesis, so the manner of publication has to be agreed upon together.

3. Click “Save and proceed to confirm”, which saves the information as a draft. At this point, you can still edit the form by clicking “Edit”. When you are sure that you have filled in the correct information, click “Confirm and verify the information”.


Student's view: thesis information

Image 1. Student’s view of the form. The thesis is linked to the form and the bibliographic information is filled in before the evaluation and approval.

Appeal for rectification

You have the right to receive information from your supervisor within a reasonable time on how the evaluation criteria have been applied to your performance. 

You can make an oral or written appeal regarding your Bachelor's thesis. Rectification to an evaluation of your thesis is requested from the teacher who made the evaluation (supervisor).The appeal for rectification of a grade must be made within 14 days after the you have had the opportunity to be informed of the grade and the grading criteria applied to them. (The University of Turku Regulation on Studies)

Raising the grade of accepted Bachelor's thesis

When your thesis is accepted in UTUKandi, it is not possible to revise it to get a better grade. Only by writing completely new thesis with a new subject is possible to raise the grade. Similarly, a rejected bachelor's thesis requires the writing and approval of a new thesis.