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Submitting the Thesis to Turnitin Originality Check in Moodle

After validating the PDF/A file, you can submit the completed thesis to Turnitin originality check in the Moodle course area. At this point when the completed thesis is submitted to the system, it is saved in the Turnitin database.

N.B. The file that is submitted to the Turnitin assignment has to be the same one that was validated in the PDF/A validation, i.e. you cannot make any changes to the file at this point.

You can recognize the Turnitin assignment in the Moodle from the icon Turnitin icon. The Turnitin assignment refers to the process where the originality and sources of a completed work (thesis, project work, essay etc.) are checked with the Turnitin plagiarism detection software. The teacher/supervisor assesses the originality of the work based on the evaluation report. You can find more information on Turnitin and plagiarism check in the Turnitin Originality Check tab. 

Before submitting your thesis for the final examination (UTUGradu), you can “pre-check” your unfinished thesis in a Turnitin assignment that does not archive your work. It is available on your supervisor's  Moodle course  at “Check your work in progress here”. You can submit your thesis in this assignment several times.

1. Click on the Turnitin assignment under the PDF/A validator at  the section "Check your finished thesis here".

2. Click "Submit paper" on the bottom right corner (see fig. 1).

The Turnitin assignments will be updated during Feb 2020. You may still have old Turnitin view. If so, select the "My Submissions" tab to submit your thesis.

Turnitin submission page

Fig. 1. View in Turnitin assignment (updated version)


3. Fill in the information:

  • Turnitin Assignment Name (same as the name of the file, see to the step 1 of the student’s instructions, Completing the Thesis)
  • Upload the validated PDF/A file (N.B. You cannot make any changes to the file between validation and Turnitin) from your computer by clicking the dash lined field, or drag the file from your folder with the mouse and drop it to the field.

4. Next, you need to give your consent to the plagiarism check by ticking the box “I consent to save my work in the database of Turnitin...” If you do not give consent, you cannot submit your thesis for examination.

5. Click “Add Submission”. After a successful submission, you can see the submitted assignment in the table on the page. NB! You will receive an email from Turnitin about the submission but this is a just a notification about archiving the file in the Turnitin database and is not a part of the UTUGradu process.


Next, you can fill in your information on the UTUGradu thesis form, click "Next" at the bottom of this page.

Problems in submission:

If you have followed the instructions on this page but the submission to Turnitin assignment is still not successful, please contact Remember to add Thesis in it's original Word. docx file (or similar) in this email.