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Completing the Thesis before the Examination and Publication Process

- Please follow your degree programme's guidelines for the contents and possible template of the thesis.

  • When writing the thesis, is recommended to use free softwares (e.g. Office 365) provided by Turku University, see more form software catalog (utu-account needed).

- Have you checked  accessibility? The Web Accessibility Directive of the EU obligates that all theses are accessible.

- Read the instructions on electronic publication and copyright issues and, if necessary, make corrections to your thesis or ask more information from your supervisor.

- Research data management is important part of writing the thesis. More information in Research Data Management Guide for Students.

- Have you used generative AI in your thesis? Please ensure that any use of AI in your thesis is appropriately mentioned and documented to the required extent.

- The entire text of the thesis has to be in one file, including the title page and the appendices such as pictures, tables, graphics, research permit etc. Materials and data classified as confidential have to be left out of the version that is examined and published. More information is available in the electronic publication and copyright instructions mentioned above.

- Remember to include a control mark of the Turnitin originality check to the bottom of the title page:

The originality of this thesis has been checked in accordance with the University of Turku quality assurance system using the Turnitin OriginalityCheck service.

- Notice! Do not write your student identification number anywhere into your thesis.

The file should be titled:

  • Lastname_Firstname_Thesis e.g. Smith_John_Thesis
    • If the thesis is a collaborative thesis with a joint examination process, the file should be titled: Student1Lastname_Firstname_Student2Lastname_Firstname_Thesis, e.g. Student1Smith_John_Student2Smith_Jane_Thesis
  • You can use only the following characters in the file name:

a-z, A-Z, 0-9, underline (_), hyphen (-).

Spaces are not allowed. Furthermore, å, ä and ö characters are not allowed either. Replace them with a and o letters.


Before you submit your thesis for examination, you can “pre-check” your unfinished thesis in the Turnitin assignment that does not archive your work and ask your supervisor to check the report and then make final changes to your work, if necessary. You can submit your thesis in this pre-check assignment several times. The Turnitin assignment is available on your supervisor’s Moodle course under the headlline “Check your work in progress here” (or other similar text). Please ask your supervisor for the link to the correct Moodle course.