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Checking the Originality of a Text with the Turnitin Orginality Check System

The Turnitin originality check system analyses the text and produces an originality report that lists all the text passages where the content of the work corresponds to the source material used for comparison. The listed similarities can be citations or references in accordance with good scientific practice, or they may point out inadequately marked citations in the text. The system sends the report to the supervisor of a thesis who assesses the quality and significance of the similarities. The supervisor can also send the report to the author of the thesis in order to give feedback and guidance.

When the work has been analysed, it will be archived in the system database. The author can later open and download the thesis from there for their own use with the ID number they received by email after saving the thesis. No other party in addition to the author and the supervisor of the thesis can access the document. However, the Turnitin main user of the University of Turku can empty and close the entire database of the University in case the University’s customer relationship with the service provider ends.

When the work has been archived in the Turnitin database, it is part of the reference material against which future theses and other student work will be compared. Possible similarities between the texts submitted to the system later and the previously saved texts will be pointed out and marked in the evaluation reports. Therefore, the work archived in the database has active copyright protection.

The University of Turku has the right to decide how long the archived student work is stored in the database. However, the author of the work has the right to remove/ask for the removal of their work from the database at any time. The author of the work retains full copyright to the work.

Analysing the originality report of the thesis in Turnitin (for the supervisor)

You will find the original report of the Turnitin check from the Moodle course where the student has submitted their work. In the UTUGradu process you will get an automatic email (from with the direct link to to correct Moodle course.
Note that the Turnitin assignments will be updated during Feb 2020. The view will change after the update. 
1. Enter the Moodle course homepage. Firefox, Chrome and Safari browsers are recommended. NB. Internet Explorer -browser is not recommended!
2. Click on the headline of the Turnitin tool under "Check your finished thesis here". You will recognize the Turnitin tool from this image . (Note! If you have Turnitin that is not updated you must then select the "Submission Inbox" tab).

3. You will find the work the students has submitted with their name. By clicking on the submissions name or the similarity percent the originality  report will open.
Turnitin view

4. You will find more information about evaluating the originality report in
Turnitin guide.